How Long Can Chickens Go Without Water?

Water is an important element for the survival of every being on the planet. The same goes for your lovely chickens, so you must be considerate when it comes to that matter.


The Significance Of Water

First things first, the main question here is why do your chickens need water. The first and primary reasons are the hydration of their organism which is essential, and the balance of their body temperature in order to lead a healthy living. In addition, water offers great assistance for their digestive tract from the beginning to the end. Last but not least, we must remember that eggs are made of 75% water, so providing it for the hens, ultimately helps the development of their little ones.   

How Long Can Chicken Survive Without Water

The factors to be aware of how long chicken can go without water are many. A fact to remember is that our animal friends need water very often.

The age of the chicken is very important. You see, newly born baby chicks receive the nutrients they need from their egg yolk for the first 72 hours. After that timespan, they need to have access to water at least every 6 hours. On the other hand, mature hens need water every day, and they will survive no longer than 48 hours without it.

The temperature of their living environment has an effect on that as well. For example, if the temperature is 104 Fahrenheit they must be hydrated all the time, or they will not last even one day. In a cooler climate, they might survive for 48 hours as mentioned above. When it comes to really low temperatures, they might consume ice in times of need, but still, this is dangerous for their health, so it is better to avoid it!

Another important factor is the type and size of the chicken. The water required for meat breeds like Buckeye or Turken is far more than the one you need for laying hens. Also, different breeds have different drinking habits. Ameraucana chickens must have access to water all day, while for Belgian D’Uccle if you keep them together with other types, you have to place water and food separately, or else they might be afraid to go near them.

Also read: Best Chicken waterer

 Consequences Of Dehydration

Since we opened up the hydration chapter, you must have knowledge about what might happen if your chickens stay without water for a while:

  • Digestion will malfunction
  • The extreme shock which will result to stop laying eggs for a while
  • Loss of temperature balance in their body
  • Ordeal and death

Final Tips

To sum up, water is absolutely necessary to raise chickens and they need it every day, more than one time. You must calculate that a normal chicken consumes about half-liter water per day in ideal weather conditions. Also, remember to empty the waterers at night to prevent mold and the attraction of wild animals. Your job is to keep them full and clean to ensure the survival and the good health of your flock.

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